Cumbria Tourism has teamed up with Cumbria Community Foundation to launch a 50th Anniversary Fund to support people embarking on a career in the county’s tourism industry.

Recognising the barriers faced by some as they contemplate a career in tourism and hospitality, the fund is being administered by Cumbria Community Foundation and will provide financial support for specialist equipment, training, study materials, travel costs, and more.
In turn, it’s hoped the extra support will enhance in-county opportunities and encourage a new raft of people who are interested in pursuing tourism and hospitality careers but have previously been put off by the associated costs.
Cumbria Tourism has set a fundraising target of £50,000 for 2024 for its 50th Anniversary Fund, with plans to replicate this over each of the next four years to create an Acorn fund that will continue giving long into the future.
Acorn Funds are invested, with the returns being used to fund grants and ensure long-term support for the voluntary and community organisations that Cumbria Community Foundation works with.
Cumbria Tourism president Jim Walker said: “The 50th Anniversary Fund is all about supporting new tourism talent – of any age – and giving people a helping hand as they launch their career in this diverse and fast-changing sector.
“With flexible working opportunities, live-in vacancies and new ways to promote work-life balance, we know there is something for everyone and want to give more people the chance to make their first step on their personal career paths.”
To qualify for Cumbria Tourism’s 50th Anniversary Fund, applicants must be aged 16 years or over and either live and study in Cumbria or be newly employed in the county’s tourism and hospitality sector.
To find out more or to apply, visit: or contact Cumbria Community Foundation: or 01900 825760.